
How many of you enjoy raising houseplants? If not anymore, how about at least sometime in the past? I enjoy raising houseplants in spurts. I can go years content to own many types and varieties: flowering, variegated, succulent, trailing, of the begonia, fig, philodendron, or...

One commentary stated that the relationship between shepherd and sheep is one of mutual knowledge and love. I’m not so sure if I’d describe it that way. I think that anything deemed mutual implies that it, in this case, knowledge and love runs both ways....

At least once a week, I meet someone who doubts whether there’s life after death or fears that eternal life will bear no resemblance to this life. I sympathize with them, especially regarding that second concern, that eternal life will bear no resemblance to this...

What have you been privileged to hear or see? What have you gotten the chance to look at or touch so that something new was revealed to you? At least in such a way that because of your personal experience, you could testify of it...

First thing to notice is this: There is confidence and a lack of anxiety in these ladies to start with. At first, they are all set. They are following religious protocol; not one of them made a move before the sabbath was over. The spices...

My daughter has a tattoo quoting Ralph Waldo Emerson that reads, “The years teach much what the days never knew.” The Bible testifies to this eternal truth too: from verse to verse as one page turns to the next. The meaning of the quote speaks...

It doesn’t take talking to more than a few people for a short amount of time to prove what Scripture pointed out today: That our natural human tendency is to complain about our circumstances and the people involved. More often than not, we hope to...

Gee whiz. What’s the deal with Jesus on the outskirts of the temple today? I wonder if he’s sending a message that goes something like this: Don’t make religion a commodity. Don’t let loyalty to God become an industry or make the wares of worship...

During his lifetime, Jesus was many things to many people, but frequently, he fulfilled the role of teacher or rabbi. And while teaching, he would refer to the past, present, and future to emphasize points of the current lesson. Without a doubt, Jesus was a...